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We believe we will be only being successful if our

students are successful. Our values provide a com-

mon understanding for both our staff, and our stu-

dents. Our relationship with our students, partners

and whoever we interact with is built on integrity,

trust and partnership.

We are honest with others and ourselves. We meet

the highest ethical standards in all business deal-

ings. We do what we say we will do. We accept re-

sponsibility and hold ourselves accountable for our

work and our actions.

We trust, respect and support each other, and we

strive to earn the trust of our Colleagues and part-


We learn from and respect the cultures in which we

operate. We value and demonstrate respect for the

uniqueness of individuals and the varied perspec-

tives and talents they provide.

We seek new opportunities and out-of-the-ordinary

solutions. We use our creativity to find unexpected

and practical ways to solve problems and develop

our company.

We have an unwavering commitment to being a

good partner focused on building productive, col-

laborative, trusting and beneficial relationships with

governments, other companies, our customers, our

communities and each other.
