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Cocktails & Dreams (School of

Bar & Beverage Management) is an ex-

clusive state of the art bar school dedi-

cated to providing bartending, cocktails

and flair related training courses estab-

lished in July 2011. The school of bar

and beverage management is a well-

equipped school with all the necessary

materials and a mock bar environment,

devoted entirely for training, research

and development. The school of bar

and beverage management provides

individuals one of the most compre-

hensive training programs available in

Nepal. Our bartending courses offer the

opportunity to train in all disciplines of

cocktails bartending from customer ser-

vice to bar etiquette, sales and presen-

tation, product knowledge to mixology,

flair and much more. The school of bar

and beverage management offers con-

temporary courses and practical hands

on and theoretical training, leading to

industry recognized qualification. Cock-

tails & Dreams Nepal is franchised to

Cocktails & Dreams, Delhi, India.

Cocktails & Dreams Nepal proud-

ly announces that it has successfully

produced more than 600 students in and

out of Nepal and has successfully exe-

cuted more than 1050 plus macro and

micro events related to beverage inside

and outside Nepal. Cocktails & Dreams

Nepal is proudly and permanently as-

sociated with 80% hotel management

colleges of Nepal with its exclusively

premium mixology session for the stu-

dents who are going to internship as

well as going directly to industries.