Successfully performed mixology
with Real Mixology at the TGIF fashion
show at the Hotel Soaltee on 23rd April
to 27th April 2013 and in Hyatt 2014
Successfully performed mixology
at the Hotel Hyatt with Youth Presiden-
tial Organisation on 18th May 2013.
Successfully performed mixology
during third international Tatto conven-
tion at the Hotel Yak & Yeti powered by
Ruslan on May 2013
Successfully performed two days
mixology session to all the bartenders
and bar owners of Pokhara organized
by REBAN Pokhara on 18th and 19th of
Aug 2013.
Successfully perform four days
mixology session to all the F&B staffs of
Fishtail Lodge Pokhara from 26th Sep
to 29th Sep 2013.
Successfully performed two days
mixology session to all the F&B staffs of
Hotel Grande Pokhara on 1st and 2nd
Oct 2013.